What I’m Reading

Hi! I’m reading “An Invisible Sign of My Own,” by Aimee Bender. She’s the author who did the collection of short stories called “Girl in the Flammable Skirt,” which was really well-received. I’m only through the prologue and chapter one right now, but I love the main character (a 20-year-old woman with OCD who uses the beauty of numbers and mathematical formulas to keep herself sane).

I also just bough “Micro Fiction,” a collection of short shorts; “The Freedom Writer’s Diary,” about students writing to change their world; “How to be an Adult,” by David Richo; “An Unquiet Mind,” about a woman’s journey with manic depression (yes, you are detecting a theme here); and “Feng Shui for Dummies,” which I hope will make all the other self-help books I bought useless in my world.

Ha ha!

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