
Okay. I am the most thoughtful friend on the planet.
If your birthday is in January.
See, every year, I promise myself (since I don’t make resolutions) that I will stay on top of my correspondence, beginning with remembering my friends’ birthdays. So, if your birthday is in January and I know about it, you will receive a card from me.
Pretty sad that none of my other friends will ever know this side of me, as they may or may not receive acknowledgment of their birth.
I’m glad that, with email greeting cards, I can set up birthday cards to go out on a certain date. Maybe now, I can just try to visit the greetings sites at the beginning of each month or something, and get all of my cards done at once. Hmm, that’s a good goal. Still, I know folks like receiving cards in the mail. I do.
I also drink more water in January. Another of those pledges to myself… a gallon a day! This year, I was in Utah for most of January. The Park City altitude really did a number on my body, so it’s a dang good thing I was over-doing the water intake. I’ve been told that most of the water I drank left my body via my mouth as I breathed. Damn. All that work for nothing.
Now I’m back in LA and peeing a lot.
I suppose that can’t be bad.
Oh! I’ve got it! I’ll start bringing a stack of birthday cards and postage to the bathroom. That way, I can use the extra time on the can to keep up with those birthday cards all year ’round.
Better hope I have your email address!

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