Robert Keniston’s Declaration

So, two weeks ago, I issued a challenge to readers of The Actors Voice to declare what it is that you *can* do, as we close out this amazing year! Responses keep coming in and I hope you’ll add yours to the bunch, of course. Putting the words out there can really be a push toward getting your goals accomplished.

Let’s hear from Robert Keniston, long-time reader, who is joining in with loads of amazing relief efforts — including the one SAG Foundation just announced — to help those affected by Superstorm Sandy. Donating is one thing. Starting your own campaign, quite another!

Hello Bonnie,

I know that you’re currently accepting declarations of what we can do as the year comes to a close and I’m writing with one of my own. I hope you’ll consider publishing it, as it’s more of a personal declaration than a professional one.

Here it is:

My declaration is to bring attention to my hometown as it struggles to recover from Superstorm Sandy.

I grew up in a part of Queens, New York known as The Rockaways. Back in the day it was known as “The Irish Riviera” and it’s been a popular surfing spot on the east coast for years. The Ramones have written a song about it (Rock, Rock, Rockaway Beach). Boardwalk Empire films on its beaches. Woody Allen has even shot a film there (Radio Days).

However, after Sandy, it’s in ruins. The boardwalk has been obliterated by the storm surge and the streets are littered with debris. While the national news has been reporting about the aftermath, they have only focused on Breezy Point, the western tip of the Rockaway Peninsula. There are so many other places along the peninsula that need help. Power has only recently been restored but it’s spotty. FEMA is helping but many still struggle with basic day-to-day activities.

My father, who still lives there, lucked out. His apartment is on the third floor of an apartment complex along Shorefront Parkway, plus he’s got a house in PA to stay until things return to normal, but the street below is in shambles. It breaks my heart to see the very streets I used to play in and walk along now covered in sand with cars piled up upon each other.

This is a time I really find myself wishing I was a big famous movie star. As silly as that may sound, I wish I could be that celebrity who returns home to bring more awareness to the region. But the best I can do at the moment, is reach out and ask that people share the struggle of recovery in my hometown.

I’ve shared this video on my social media platforms to help show the situation: Rockaway Needs Us. I’m also asking that people make a donation to The American Red Cross or directly to

If a donation isn’t possible, all I ask is that my request — along with the video and links — be blogged, tweeted or shared on Facebook.

And I ask that with your reach you’ll consider sharing this with your readers. I would be very grateful.

Thank You.
Robert Keniston

Robert, thank you for this. I don’t think we have to be famous to create, get behind, or promote causes that are important to us. Absolutely, having celebrity weight to throw around could sure make a big difference right now, but your heart is in a great place and I hope featuring you in our year-end rampage of declarations will help even a little bit!

As last week, with Bobby’s declaration, I’m motivated by Robert’s declaration as well. Are you? Who’s next? Hit me up with your declaration! I can’t wait to hear from you. Let’s go make a difference, y’all.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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