I must say I enjoy your column. You are actually exhibiting good marketing strategy by letting all read them for free. Because of that I feel I have more trust for Actors Access. Your writing is a public service, but also helps you and Actors Access. Do keep up the good work.

With my current headshot, I’m printing them out a few at a time when I am submitting for something. When I have new headshots made, I’ll just have a couple hundred printed up all at once. Do you recommend printing the resume on the back? I am doing this on my one-at-a-time printing ways. But when doing hundreds, I’ll have some five months later perhaps, and my more recent work at that time would not be in the resume. But yet, I think it is so much cleaner when it is not stapled. Maybe I’ll not have ISGO print the resume for me, I can continue to load them in here and print it direct on the back as I send them off.

What do you think?

I think printing resumes directly on the back of headshots is a great idea for saving time, saving trees, and saving space in my headshot storage area! No staples, no paper to trim, no muss, no fuss! I love it. Absolutely, there is the concern of how to update resumes after having printed more than a few, but I have seen many, many, many written-in credits as well as resumes simply stapled onto headshots on which earlier versions of the resumes were printed!

Depending on how many you plan to print up at once and how quickly you tend to add new work to your credits, this may or may not work out for you. But I regularly see hand-written “new” credits and it doesn’t bother me. Nor does the stapled resume on top of a previous version of the printed-on resume. It’s all just fine, since hard copy headshots barely impact the way I do business now that online casting has taken over my office.

Oh, and THANK YOU for the feedback on the free archives here at the Showfax columns. I think it’s one of the best features (along with the search function) around! Glad to know actors are using those features to enhance their experience here!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/000685.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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