SMFA for New Zealand?

Hi Bonnie,

I have just discovered your column and am working my way through the archives right from the start.

I live in New Zealand, and while the market is very different here (in comparison to LA), so much of your advice rings true. I have only recently signed with an agent and have gone out to a few auditions but it feels so great to finally be putting steps in place to pursuing my dream.

I just wanted to write and say thank you so much for this wonderful, insightful column that I know will be a resource I keep referring back to for years (and hopefully many more auditions!) to come.

Kind regards,
Simone Walker

Simone, thank you so much for your email! I hear from actors regularly who have just stumbled across these archived columns and I always love it! 🙂 It’s like a weekly reminder that there are always actors starting off their journey (or who have been at it for a while, but haven’t bumped into my columns ’til now). Either way, I always enjoy the contact and I’m thrilled to know the information translates to other markets.

Of course, it won’t always be that advice is “one size fits all,” and every market is different, so I’m glad to know that there’s enough that does apply to you in New Zealand (which is a market I hope to visit with the Self-Management for Actors tours soon). Most of all, I’m thrilled that Actors Access keeps these columns archived, free, and searchable for years and years! How awesome!

Lemmeknow if there are any particular topics you’d like to see me cover, or to have me refresh (if there’s a piece from way deep in the archives that needs updating) and I’ll get to work on it for ya! Keep on rockin’ and enjoy the journey!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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