This is my view as I walk “home” from another awesome SAG Foundation Casting Access Project event in New York.
This is my life for ten days.
Pretty much ready to call it bicoastal… just gotta figure that math out. 😉
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!
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well, seems like I am missing it again! cant believe this is happening to me a second time. apparently too much on the noggin to focus in on this. If it had not been for an alert, I would not have seen this even! Well hope they stream it at some point, but not ever the same as meeting you Bon in da flesh! my apologies… Emerson
Fine sir, I am so bummed you didn’t hear about my trip to NY! Are you on the Bonnie Gillespie mailing list? I did mention the NY trip in my mailings (and more than once, for those who checked the box to hear about “on the road” goings-on). Would’ve loved to have you there! I actually talked about you, as you were the first actor to teach me about YouTube, when you self-taped an audition for a project I was casting in 2006. YouTube was BRAND NEW and you were using it like a ninja! 🙂 Hope you’re well and maybe I’ll be getting over to Philly before too long. 🙂
Hi Bonnie,
I wanted to issue due (if tardy) thanks for a great seminar here in NYC. It was, hands down, the most effective, targeted and even inspirational talking to I’ve ever been given. I’ve managed to consider myself a reasonable, even intelligent, level-headed actor. Perhaps the least starry-eyed actor in any given room – the girl who acts because her background in the arts pointed to the screen as the most practical way to make a living (totally level-headed). And yet, it’s so often that we find ourselves swimming in a total lack of control when we chew on the concept of our career and our future. I do this because I’m good at it, dammit. because it’s what I do. the rest will sort itself out, right? not so much.
I’m regretting that this was the first time I’ve heard your wisdom and had the fortune of your supportive guidance. I’ve been missing you. I look forward to reading your books and thank you for taking our questions, and mine at the end of the seminar (I approached you to ask you about ‘branding’ in the video segment you shared). You were generous with your time and with your passion. thank you.
Meissa, thank you so much for this. A thank you is NEVER too late, because it’s always nice to hear gratitude expressed! 🙂 Thank YOU for the passion you bring to your career. It’s so important to stay inspired and fired up. I’m glad I was able to provide some new tools for you to take forward with you, along your path. Make sure you let me know if you ever have something you’d like to see me cover in my columns, now that they’re on your radar. I look forward to working with you again on my next trip to NY. That was such an amazing trip! Can’t wait to be back. 😀