Step One

Step one, dear Thwok, is admitting that you have a problem.
Click to enlarge.
Granted, you are a cat, and I guess it’s okay if you want to go around all Kate Moss with junk on your nose and all that.
But still…
Fix your face, woman! That catnip is a crazy bitch!

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  1. LarLock March 30, 2006 at 9:50 pm

    If you find a good CN group let me know. Greyson is in desperate need.

  2. Debra March 30, 2006 at 11:28 pm

    You givin’ my baby dope again?
    Kiss her many times from me, please!

  3. Bon March 31, 2006 at 2:04 am

    That Cosmic Catnip is some good stuffs. The kitties all enjoy it. Thwok seems to do so with less concern for her public image. 😉

  4. Hal_Perry March 31, 2006 at 2:31 am

    Hmmm…maybe it’s just the angle of the photo, but Thwok seems to be looking a bit portly these days, no?

  5. Bon March 31, 2006 at 2:45 am

    Nah. She’s no longer a kitten (she’ll be two in May), but she’s still little. Weighs under seven pounds.
    In a house where Archie is pushin’ 20 pounds, seven makes Thwok a wee lass.

  6. Ed R March 31, 2006 at 6:25 am


  7. Ed R March 31, 2006 at 8:25 am

    So, tell me, how, exactly, did Thwok get such a unique name?

  8. Bon March 31, 2006 at 4:09 pm

    Thwok is an onomatopoeia. (It’s the sound she makes when she runs into things, which she does all the time. RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN… THWOK!!)
    And the name came from a “missing cat” poster my then-beau and I saw at the Taco Stand in Athens in 1991 or 1992. The poster described this lovely animal and then ended with,
    “We miss him greatly. His name is Thwok.”
    I decided at that time I would, someday, have a pet named Thwok. And, I also decided the name was androgynous. 😉
    So, there ya go. A dozen or so years later and I have me a Thwok! Heeeee!

  9. Ed R April 1, 2006 at 6:59 pm

    She’s an onomatopoeia? I thought she was a cat?
    She LOOKS like a cat. I guess she SOUNDS like a Thwok, though.
    Doin’ a pretty good Whitney Houston impersonation in those pics, too.


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