Surreal Moment of the Day

(I’m noticing that I seem to have quite a few “Surreal Moments of the Day” when casting.)
While on the phone with an agent…
Agent: “I want you to consider a wonderful actor named Timothy Carhart. He recently did this great little film called The Moor and I know you’d like his work.”
Me: “I *cast* The Moor. I *cast* Tim in The Moor. That was one of my first films.”
Seriously, I was stunned and am not sure of what I said, exactly.
Agent: “Oh, wow. Listen, Tim is *very* critical. He came in here with the DVD for The Moor and said, ‘This is one of the best projects I’ve done.’ He was really proud.”
Reminds me… I haven’t shared the trailer for The Moor yet, have I? Enjoy. It’s a 1.9MB .mov file.

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