Thank you for joining us for Episode 0805 of The Work. Interview with Clark Sarullo: Actor Clark Sarullo discusses team loyalty, getting into the room, using background work as a foundation for a big on-camera…
Posts tagged agents
I Hate the Headshots My Agent Loves
Yo, B. I love my agent. I love my new headshots. I HATE the choice from my proofs my agent made for my primary headshot. What do I do? Use whatever I want? Tell my…
Rank the Reps
A month ago, we talked about making sure your tools measure up if you’re on the great agent hunt as pilot season winds to a close. Most actors seeking new representation are planning to have…
Ryan Kolbe: Why I Chose to Not Renew My Theatrical Agent Contract
No less than once a day, I’m told by eager actors, “I’ve *got* to get an agent! I just need *someone* to sign me!” My response is always the same: “Don’t rush this. It’s not…
Reader Share: Agent Drop Letter
Hi Bonnie, Thanks for all you do! I’ve gotten a LOT out of your advice, most recently from your columns on cover letters. (I’ve been looking for new representation, which I secured today — Yay!)…
Should I Ask for a Referral within My Agency?
Hey there Bonnie G! Firstly, thank you. Thanks for being here as a resource, for your support and encouragement, and also for your availability. I found you through Lesly Kahn’s recommendations blog and have listened…
Rep Relations: Having an Agent and a Manager
Having both an agent and a manager is like being the child of divorced parents. They may get along beautifully. They may be respectful of one another as they co-parent civilly. And they may make…
The IMDb-Pro Agency Client List
Hey Bon, I’m totally on my “Hooray! It’s drop season” marketing pitch. I’ve narrowed down my target agent list and I’ve started my “market the heck out of them” plan, but I have a QUESTION….
Agent Explains Why Actors Shouldn’t Put Their Phone Numbers on Their Resumes
The following exchange came about due to my advice that actors always keep their direct contact information on their resumes, profiles, websites, etc. My experience shows that those agents who *require* actors not share their…
What an Agent Looks for in an Actor
So, last week, we looked at how “drop season” does not always mean bad news for the dropped actor. I got a lot of spectacular feedback from some of you fine folks, letting me know…