I really do appreciate all of the warm posts and emails you’ve sent. This is tough, of course, but it should end quickly, as her cancer is very far along. I’ve told Mom that people who don’t know her are sending thoughts and prayers from LA and she says that makes her happy. Not only because it energizes her, but because it give her an indication of the types of people I’ve surrounded myself with “out in LA, so far away”.
There is so much that makes this difficult — but it is such a blessing that Mom has never once, for a moment, doubted how much she is loved. It’s not like I have a list of things to say to her before she goes. My only task is to hold her hand (and all the things for which that’s a metaphor).
Again, thank you all for everything. I’m coming back to LA next week and will take you up on your offers of “distractions” (ala movies, coffees, walks, hugs). Meanwhile, thanks for being a community I can “check in” with from Atlanta. It helps more than you know. XXOO