The Year in Review

(See also 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004.)

Take the first line (or so) from the first post of each month of 2009. That’s your Year In Review.

January 2009:
Is it possible that it’s January 11th and I’m posting my first blog entry of the year? Truly, Facebook and video blogging and Twitter have collectively taken over my blogging energy.

February 2009:
Then and Now
So, last night was the book party for the 3rd edition of Self-Management for Actors.

March 2009:
Mar09 12 of 12
Oh, my lordy, what a looooooong day. I really need to get to sleep, because tomorrow (er, later today) is an even loooooooonger day and with even more meetings than the three I had today. Ack! And eep! And yay! 🙂

April 2009:
12 of 12 April 09
Hello the end of April 12th. 🙂 I’m sooo ready to sleep. Today’s 12 of 12 is an all in-house version, but a busy day, nonetheless. Not sure what 12 of 12 might be? Please stop by Chad Darnell‘s site for all the info. He created it and he’s a badass. Please consider joining us next month! It’s ever so much fun to see what’s going on all over the world on a single day. 🙂

May 2009:
12 of 12 for May 2009
Well all right! This day was CRAZY busy and I’m typing up this blog entry using the ‘puter we call The Chicklet (and she was bought after I got hired on my first casting gig, well over six years ago) b/c Keith decided to work on my ‘puter (called Sid, bought 18 months ago, and apparently in BIG need of a defrag) and the most fun part of all of this is the fact that three keys are missing or misplaced on this ‘puter, and I’m having to *really* watch myself to be sure I’m getting my letters right.

June 2009:
Worst Two Days
Today is one of the worst two days of the year (the other one is a month from now). Today is when it’s been the longest since we’ve had Quinn with us. And a month from now is when it’ll be the longest ’til we see him again.

July 2009:
“Another Harvest Moon” TRAILER
So, I mentioned before that I was thrilled that the trailer for Another Harvest Moon went live on the film’s website.

August 2009:
Awesomeosity in a Bottle
You know that feeling you sometimes have? That feeling of, “I freakin’ ROCK!”

September 2009:
Snow Leopard/MS Entourage/Address Book NIGHTMARE
Bear with me. I’m posting this at my blog, in a note at Facebook, in the tech forum at Apple’s site, and that means it’s going to be a nice, long read to get everyone up to speed in case there’s a kind soul out there who can help with this ridiculousity. Keith is also taking a print-out of this whole thing to the Genius Bar tomorrow. Our last hope.

October 2009:
Not sure I’ll ever understand suicide. I mean, of course I understand the emotional heaviness, the absolute despair, the certainty that nothing will ever get better and that there is no hope. I’ve been there. I know.

November 2009:
Eeeeeeee! Australia!
Okay, so in just over a week, I board a big-ass plane for a long-ass time and travel into the future to arrive a day earlier in Sydney Australia.

December 2009:
12 ‘o 12 ‘o the last month ‘o the ’09, y’all!
I know, I know… it’s getting down to the fact that the only blog posts I make are about the 12. Well, thank you, Chadtastic, for that. 🙂 At least there’s somethin’. 🙂 And such.


I have to say, this has been a pretty ridiculously good year. There were several times during the year when Keith and I talked about how very hard things are for everyone, but still we were able to find so much about which we could be grateful. We’ve got it so good. Sooo good.

Thank you, everyone, for being a part of our awesomeosity. Here’s to a 2010 filled with greenlit projects, green money, green leafy vegetables, and all other good green things! It’s a Kermit, Keriopi, Cricket Feet year!

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