What a Beautiful Day!

It’s just seriously gorgeous out. Wow. I love days like today. Windows open, kids playing, ocean breeze coming through and making me happy to be alive.


A full day of America’s Next Top Model 3 on VH-1, a great new column to write (got lots of email on last week’s column, which makes me happy), a ton of work to do on the book and a couple of egos to soothe (God, it’s a delightful reminder of how far I’ve come when I’m the MOST sane one on the block sometimes), and Keith is currently auditioning at Lieberman/Patton for a pilot. Seriously, his new manager ROCKS. He’s going out all the freeeekin’ time. I love it!

Thwok has decided that all things plastic are also all things delicious. She keeps coming around the corner with little bits of plastic hanging from her mouth, a little grin (if that’s possible). What a brat! I love her so!

Looks like no-go on the big Oscar party this year. Just way too much going on. How sad is that?!? Oh, well. I’m in my SEVEN year, which is very “inside.” I’m feeling that. No doubt.

Okay… back to work! I remember (eventually) clicking into BOOK MODE for Self-Management for Actors and just FLYING through the writing process. It’s time for that to happen with Acting Qs. I have so much to do… and TWO books coming out this year. Yeah. No more dilly-dally, silly-sally.

(I realize it can’t be dilly-dallying when you’ve actually been casting a frickin’ movie instead of writing a book for two weeks, but I’ve always felt that any time not spent working on something — even if it’s due to the fact that I’m working on something ELSE — is time off somehow. Yes, I’m less sane at the end of this entry than I tried to come off at the start. Ugh. Where’s the end of this parenthetical? Ah… here it is!)

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1 Comment

  1. Aimercat February 27, 2005 at 12:40 am

    I clicked on the personal year thing to check it out, but I think I did the math wrong on something because I came up with being in year 7 too, but i’m not feeling too “inside”. If you have time to check my math, here are my numbers
    Aug 19 ( 8 + 19 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9)
    2005 (2+0+0+5=7)
    birth number and year number (7+9=16; 1+6=7)
    did i mention I was horrible at science and math?


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