This is from a series at our Chart Harmony Discord server… scroll down for the link if you’d like to join us there for all the good convos we have going on there. 😉

pisces paint by number

Ooh, hello Pisces Moon!

Of course I’m late with this one. Why? Because what is time anyway?

Pisces — the last sign of the zodiac — doesn’t live in a world of time or place or things. It’s already in other worlds, simultaneously living all the lives, experiencing things the rest of the signs may rarely let themselves dream about. To honor Pisces Moon:

~ daydream
~ live without a schedule as much as you can
~ bask in a tub, in the sun, or out in the grassy yard — remind yourself you’re in a body while experiencing other elements
~ get high
~ create music, art, or anything else that’s beautifully creative (NOT because you’re building commerce from it; because it feels GOOD to create, no matter what happens to it)
~ wear seafoam green, turquoise, iridescent purple, and know that you are one part mermaid, one part unicorn
~ get a foot massage or pedicure (Pisces rules the feet)

As always, BONUS POINTS for aligning the above with whatever HOUSE hosts Pisces in your natal chart. For example, if you have Pisces in the 11th House, do something Piscean with a group of friends. If you have Pisces in the 9th House, take swimming lessons!

Chart Harmony with the Moon in Pisces

Not sure about which house hosts your Pisces vibe? Grab my free training — What Your Birthday Says About Youhere! I’ve gotchuu! And if you’d like to join our free community for having these discussions on the daily, our Discord is here. Yay!

Have fun with this one… it’s not a lunar placement that promotes GSD (getting shit done) at all. 😉

Happy weekend!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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