Who Inspires Derek Houck? Katherine Browning!

Last November, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! This was such an inspiring year-end series that I decided to continue to share one “who inspires you” segment each month in Your Turn. To nominate someone for February or beyond, hit me up at the address at the bottom of each week’s column. For January’s installment, here’s who inspires Derek Houck:

  • Who you are (your name, link to your site of choice for promo): Derek Houck, https://derekhouck.com.
  • Who you’re nominating for their awesomeosity: I would like to nominate Katherine Browning to be featured in Your Turn.
  • What they’ve been doing with their career strides and why we should take notice (why they inspire you so): To say Katherine has been an inspiration to me is a gross understatement. Every gain I have made in my career can be traced back to a conversation we’ve had or advice she has given me. Napoleon Bon Appétit was an idea sprung from her mind and made real through her determination and organizational skills. She found the best deals on rental equipment, dealt with the SAG New Media division, found our DP, secured our location, and dozens of other responsibilities that I couldn’t have hoped to handle on my own. And when it finally came time to shoot, she created a hilarious and captivating character out of dialogue that consisted of nothing but recipe instructions. Even more inspiring is Katherine’s determination to overcome her fears to pursue her acting career, which she chronicles on her website “The Fuckit Bucket.” With hard work and great inner courage, she has progressed from being afraid to submit on audition notices to producing her own webseries. And in doing so she has created a system for overcoming fear that anyone can take and adapt into their own life. I could not ask for a better producer, actor, or friend. I hope that through Napoleon Bon Appétit, others will get to meet Katherine and bask in her undeniable awesomeosity. 🙂
  • Where to find more info about this person (link to their best promo site): Napoleon Bon Appétit, The Fuckit Bucket.

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Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001296.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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