Who Inspires Mandi Moss? Kirsten Vangsness!

So, two weeks ago, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! Please, keep sending in the goods. My email address is at the bottom of this page. For those who didn’t see the call, here’s the “what I need” info:

  • Who you are (your name, link to your site of choice for promo)
  • Who you’re nominating for their awesomeosity
  • What they’ve been doing with their career strides and why we should take notice (why they inspire you so)
  • Where to find more info about this person (link to their best promo site)

So, who inspires you? Well, here’s who inspires Mandi Moss:

  • Who you are (your name, link to your site of choice for promo): I am Mandi Moss.
  • Who you’re nominating for their awesomeosity: I am nominating Kirsten Vangsness.
  • What they’ve been doing with their career strides and why we should take notice (why they inspire you so): I’ve known Kirsten for years through my theatre company and since she got on the show Criminal Minds she has not changed one bit since she’s become successful on television. She really makes a point to be there to help out her friends and fellow actors in the company. She volunteers to take our headshots to the casting people on the shows she works on whenever she’s around. Criminal Minds is bursting with people I know because she brings our pics in ALL THE TIME. She donates her time to fundraisers for our theatre as a host, as a speaker in casting workshop fundraisers, as a DJ where she drops off her iPod with dance music. She donates grand prizes to help get people into these fundraisers, she gives the people on her TV show comps to see shows she’s doing with us (i.e. she buys them tickets and gets them in the door). She still treats us like family. And she is still the same girl who will dance to ’80s music with us in the wee hours of the night on closing of a show.
  • Where to find more info about this person (link to their best promo site): Kirsten Vangsness on IMDb.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001269.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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