Do you have any year-end rituals?

The hubs and I have a year-end practice we’ve been doing since 2005 (our first New Year’s Eve as a married couple) and it’s become incredibly powerful. The ability to look back and know the impact of what seems like such a simple invitation? That’s badass. But even if we couldn’t look back and see how potent our ritual is, we’d do it because it’s fun.

On New Year’s Eve, we grab a favorite beverage (that used to be something like champagne, but this year will likely be a light kratom tea with organic cranberry juice) light a candle, sit together with a blank sheet of paper and my beloved Pilot Varsity fountain pen (in the color of ink that matches the planetary influence we’re most connecting with for the year ahead, of course), share a smooch, and then make a list of words and phrases we’re inviting in for the next year.

Sometimes the list is a dozen or 15 things. Sometimes it’s like 3. It’s always an invitation — the header of the list tonight will say “Welcome 2024” — and it’s nothing like resolutions or promises. It’s just energy we’d like to allow to flow to us and through us.

I also choose a word of the year.

For 2024, it’s CALM.

The woo weather ahead is bumpy AF and my nervous system has less practice being chilled out than it has with getting jacked up and overly inflamed (that’s true for pretty much all of us, actually). So, I’m using the word CALM to help me remember the state I prefer, for all its power and all its grace.

I’m in a Jupiter profection year the first half of 2024, which means everything’s feeling REALLY BIG. And while that’s exciting and fun in lots of ways, it’s also a bit overstimulating if I’m not staying grounded. (More on profection years and their rulers in my free webinar, “You’re not the boss of me!” over here.)

If you feel like sharing your end o’ year process, comments are open just below. For now, I’m headed back to the creative cave to continue building the first-ever custom plan•it planners — OMG, I’m soooooooo blissed out creating these to the exact needs of those who’ve pre-ordered them.

After a few more dedicated hours building these beauties, the hubs and I will walk with the puppy for a while, talking and cuddling and enjoying the process of saying goodbye to 2023… then we’ll create our list and tape it up over every previous year’s list (yes, they’re ALL there, creating a gorgeous history for us to flip through).

Here’s wishing us all the exact energy we want to welcome in for ourselves in 2024. If I can help you get intentional with that, I’m here! Just lemmeknow what you need.

So much love flowing your way,

Bonnie Gillespie is simultaneously all characters in The Wizard of Oz (esp. the yellow-brick road). Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. SONIA December 31, 2023 at 7:55 pm

    What a lovely word for 2024

    I made my focus word tonight for 2024
    ~ Alignment ~

    1. Bonnie Gillespie December 31, 2023 at 9:44 pm

      Perfect! I wish you so much love and light. Thank you for sharing your wonderful word!

    2. Michelle L Schmidt January 8, 2024 at 10:46 am

      Love it! I had so many words and was having a tough time choosing just one – the closest I came was “Balance”, but I like “Alignment” even better!
      Especially with this new planner coming to help align our year!

      1. Bonnie Gillespie January 8, 2024 at 3:02 pm

        Niiiiiiiice! You’re going to LOVE your plan•it planner, Michelle. I’m having so much fun building it for you!

  2. Lauren January 2, 2024 at 9:04 pm

    I purposely avoided reading this until *after* I had selected my word and set my intentions. I wanted to avoid any outside influence 😉
    Imagine the beautiful surprise of seeing you resonated with “calm.” Such a wonderful companion to my “comfort.”
    Entering 2024 and leaning into the bliss!

    1. Bonnie Gillespie January 2, 2024 at 9:06 pm

      Perfection! I love the resonance of our words. Sending you so much love, Gracie!!

  3. Jordan January 6, 2025 at 4:40 pm

    I decided on “calm” as my WOTY for 2025 a couple days ago (after being sure it would be “flow), so I am absolutely delighted to stumble upon this today. It’s like a little confirmation from the universe that it was the right choice.

    1. Bonnie Gillespie January 6, 2025 at 9:14 pm

      Oh, how fabulous! I love this word and I’m thrilled for your choice. It’s so good.


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