Dreaming about Chip

So…I just woke up from a pretty involved dream about Chipper (my former beau, coworker, and all around dang cool guy with great toys and the best family on the planet). Decided I’d better get on up and share the dang thing in case any of this means anything to anybody (including me, later in life).
The dream is in italics, so’s no one gets confused when skimming this (especially me).
Starts off (I think) with me heading back to Athens to attend some big technology conference that somehow also involves small domestic and farm animals.
I am catching up with Chip and learn that he has decided to leave our dear Athens Academy and go back to school.
While I’m going around gathering items (mostly papers, files, notes) I’ve discovered I left behind when I left my job at the Academy in 1998, I realize that there is some interviewing going on on the lawn (like we’re “Live on the White House Lawn” or something) so I have to step around the outside of the house and be careful not to get in the line of the shot.
I notice, near the porch, Aunt Missy’s chicken. Apparently, it’s won all sorts of awards for whatever chickens win awards for doing. I continue gathering papers, decide that some of them must come home with me, as it’s likely I’ll be returning to UGA for my PhD, if I can just get the student loan people to let me piggyback on the loans I already have from the Master’s degree. The chicken clucks along beside me and then Charlotte scoops it up and tells me its play time is over.
I realize that Chip has gone inside and go to meet him there. Before I can get off the lawn, Susan hands me a 2003 City of Athens calendar, which has a picture on the cover of her bathing the chicken in a bathtub surrounded by a green-tiled wall. I learn that is Aunt Missy’s house and think, “Hm…that means all the family members have bathed there.” (Not sure what that’s about.)
I head back into the house, thanking Susan for the calendar, and find Chip in a room with Mike Callinan and Ron Powell. They are all on computers, trying to get Chip registered for a class (partnered with Melissa Edwards) where they will get a set of twins at the beginning of the semester and get to try their hands at parenting for a grade. I ask Chip how registration is going and he says, “Slow. You know the system.”
He then encourages me to register for classes, asking, “Do you have a way to get into the system?” I say, “I have a copy of Nifty Telnet on my iBook. Will that do?”

And that’s how the dream ended.
Any thoughts??

The Book Is Here!
More greatness: “Speaking of which, I am against advertising prescription meds to patients. The Purple Pill is not my business anymore than Bebe shirts are.” – Stephanie W., on SpyNotebook, Nov. 2002

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