Pissy Little Mood

I’ve had an ego-bruising day (seems I have those every now and then, especially after a few weeks of “highs”), so I tried to distract myself by creating my FAQ page.
Whatevs. Still pissy. Bleh.

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  1. Erik June 18, 2006 at 4:12 am

    LYMI. Love the FAQs.
    Why on earth am I awake right now?W??!??!?/?
    I was stuck in traffic for TWO HOURS tonight from 2am until 4am–one lane freeway for miles, thank you very much.
    Whatevs. LYMI, MI, MI.

  2. babes June 18, 2006 at 4:41 pm

    i’m in like, the pissy mood of the century today.
    grumble, grumble. grumble.
    maybe it’s a cancer thing.

  3. PameLa June 18, 2006 at 6:42 pm

    It’s most likely the heat guys and gals . I’ve had such a busy day with play rehearsal, choir rehearsal, someone telling me they NEED ME to help them find their runaway dog, when I am heading home barely able to walk cause my back is killing me, and they’re crying their eyes out like it’s my fault the dog’s gone. Phew….. It is HOT………
    Thank you Lord for relief………………

  4. PameLa June 18, 2006 at 6:44 pm

    Had to add… I admire us because we cannot be stopped………..

  5. courtney June 18, 2006 at 7:00 pm

    Hope the pissy mood passes quickly!

  6. babes June 18, 2006 at 10:37 pm

    just dragged myself to the gym (i was miss whiney mood I DON’T WANNA WORK OUT!!!! of the century) but ended up putting in a kick ass workout…jumpstarted the endorphins!!!
    now i am happy happy!! and i hope you are too!!
    (you know how you always just want to punch Denise Austin in the face?)
    (and i was totally stuck because my one play idea i was like, but nothing HAPPENS, it is BORING…well i just thought of something BIG that is happening that the main character unknowingly walks right in on…still foggy but it’s on the right path!!!)
    woooo-oooo, woooo-oooo!!
    Love YOU, Scat McBonBon!!


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