As we continue our Chart Harmony tour through all 12 signs of the zodiac using the Moon as our guide, it’s time to visit with the Taurus Moon, exalted, beautiful, reminding us to savor the good things in life (and so so so much is good).

Chart Harmony - Moon in Taurus

The Taurus Moon is slower, more measured, and discerning in her moves. The sensual pleasures are prioritized and that’s why we feel like taking naps, eating well, and being close with those we share loyalty.

Chart Harmony - Taurus

If your throat is begging to have you express yourself more, that’s the Taurus connection… and a gorgeous lapis lazuli stone placed on your neck as you lie down and relax will help you open up your voice in pure Taurus style.

Natal Moon in Taurus - Chart Harmony

What can you do to help connect with the Taurus Moon in a loving way?

Wear green. Sing along to a favorite song. Do some centering and grounding yoga poses. Put in some work out in the garden, cook something homemade, have folks over for dinner. Enjoy getting to know the Taurus Moon because soon the energy WILL shift (it always does; woo weather is like that).

And now a word from our sponsor. 😉

praise for Chart Harmony

Looking for a way to connect more fully with the planet of love, money, and enoughness? I have a beautiful exploration called 44 Days with Venus available to you on-demand. Begin here.

44 Days with Venus from Bonnie Gillespie

Be good to yourself. The world is a lot. Focus on what you can do to keep from floating away from it all for too long.{{{hugs}}}

Jump on over to the Gemini Moon here. Head back here for the Aries Moon edition.

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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