It’s time for Gemini Moon to take focus in our Chart Harmony tour through all 12 signs of the zodiac with the Moon as our guide.

Chart Harmony - Moon in Gemini

One of the Gemini twins is curious and mischievous. The other is clever and charming. Gemini energy can keep you awake at night as the twins host a debate in your brain.

Chart Harmony - Moon in Gemini

Our Gemini Moon is curious, clever, mentally active, and masterful at both multitasking and debating anything with anyone anytime. Don’t try to make Gemini Moon what it’s not! ENJOY the swirl of “squirrel!” energy. Not only is it fine to leave things unfinished… sometimes that’s the most creative move to make. You never know what you’ll come back to!

Chart Harmony - Natal Moon in Gemini

What will help you connect with the Gemini Moon in a loving way? Wear stripes, patterns, things that don’t match. Take quick trips around your neighborhood to explore. Livestream! Work on your Duolingo app or pick up a new instrument. Engage in breathwork (Gemini rules the lungs). Try 20-minute time-blocking for getting tasks done. Enjoy getting to know the Gemini Moon because soon the energy WILL shift (it always does; that’s woo-weather for ya).

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And now a word from our sponsor. 😉

Thalma - Grammy-nominated recording artist - praise for Chart Harmony by Bonnie Gillespie

Not sure where to begin with all this astrological goodness? My FREE mini-course What Your Birthday Says About You is perfect for beginners! No overwhelming astrological jargon. No experience necessary! I’ll walk you through the basic parts of your chart so you can begin to connect more deeply with exactly why you are who you are.

What Your Birthday Says About You - Bonnie Gillespie - Chart Harmony

When I started letting the Moon move me rather than pushing against her, a whole new level of connection opened up for me. I’m more in touch with my emotions without being dominated by them. I’m more understanding of the encounters I have. More forgiving. More in tune with nature and the natural state of grace we all have access to when we’re living in integrity with our fullest selves.

How about you? How does it feel as you Use Your Moons with me like this?

Be good to yourself. The world is a lot. Focus on what you can do to keep from floating away from it all for too long.{{{hugs}}}

Jump on over to the Cancer Moon here. Head back here for the Taurus Moon edition.

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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