Hello beautiful! 😘 Do you know how often I think of you?

No, really. Like, several times a day, I remind myself how many fine folks have entered my email world from as far back as when the very first BonBlast went out (from Catalina Island on my b’day in 2011) all the way up to an hour ago, by signing up for my latest woo webinar at Teachable.

I remind myself of you because I have the persistent not-yet-done TO DO of getting back into a rhythm with my email sending… and my social media doing… and my YouTube livestreaming… and my bajilliondy other things that have slowly, incrementally started falling OUT of a rhythm since I got sober nearly 8 years ago.


I no longer beat myself up for NOT being in a rhythm with my emails and socials (PHEW! That was a LOT of energy spent punishing myself) but I do contemplate whether I’ll ever get back to what was at one time twice-weekly emails, sometimes daily livestreams, and certainly near-constant connecting.

Pretty sure the shift of sobriety and the cascading waves of mind-body healing and soul-cracking-open stuff that followed meant a lot more connecting in ENERGETIC ways. AND, without the buffer of daily vodka to keep me feeling safe, I found the Energetic Load of peopling was tremendous.

So, rather than find another buffer to all that energy, I’ve allowed myself to be less present in all the ways. Interestingly, this has me far MORE present in some of the most important ones.

And I’m kind of LOVING that.


Bon has blue boxed 100 voter encouragement postcards

That’s me having blue-boxed 100 hand-written postcards encouraging registered voters in Florida to make voting a take-your-kids-along event! Click here to help motiVOTE folks (it’s too late to do postcards, but Moms Rising would love to have your help with texting voters).

pack of gum for the emotionally dead inside

One of the topics that keeps coming up in my sessions with you lovely creatives is OVERWHELM. Yeah. That’s real. And it’s a lot. Fun fact: OVERWHELM is a fancy label for how the brain brilliantly uses an overload of information to lock us into good ol’ fight/flight/freeze/fawn response.

My tip: When you’re feeling overwhelmed, thank your nervous system for delivering data that it’s time to take a break. To go neutral about everything. To rest. To play with the puppy. To push away from incoming stimuli.

And after you thank your signals for getting your attention, TAKE THAT BREAK. (Read more here.)

The Fourth Turning -- YouTube thumbnail

The Fourth Turning -- YouTube thumbnail

Here comes some woo-woo stuff… specifically a non-woo-woo book that backs up a ton of astrological timing (I love it when that happens).

One of my decades-long friendships landed me at a ladylunch in the summer of 2019, helping my friend understand her 2nd Saturn return. As I talked about some of the midlife transits we all experience, my friend asked if I had read The Fourth Turning (I had not).

As explained in each of the short vids above (click on either thumbnail to head over to YouTube to watch its summary of the book — or just scroll all the way down, here), it’s a theory of generational shifting that (OF COURSE) keeps pace with outer planetary shifts (specifically Uranus, as the era-keeper for those 4 turnings). The book isn’t woo; my observations couldn’t help but notice the woo parallels.

NOTE: The rabbit hole on this book is DEEEEEP — especially since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008… which is when THE FOURTH TURNING for our current 80-ish-year-long era began. The author does a lot of podcast interviews, so feel free to hit those vids above and then let the algo have its way with you from there. Currently, we’re in the turning called CRISIS. And it’s the last (4th) turning before a new era begins.

“What we call our future is the shadow that our past projects in front of us.”
— Marcel Proust

As for your astrological peek at WTF is going on, consider this:

In addition to all the Pluto focus on transformation, revolution, complete undoing to start over going on (see my FINISH HIM post and vid here — or just scroll all the way down), we’ve got Neptune in late degrees Pisces (the answer to WHY SO MUCH WATER… especially with Daddy Saturn getting closer and closer), and Uranus — the disruptor — waking up all sorts of previously dormant planetary stuff while in Taurus for the next little bit. Uranus also brings in electricity, lightning strikes, fires that wipe out lots o’ things… and even zaps that impact “the cloud” and other assorted tech goodies.

The pattern I find most intriguing:

The end of each of these eras in which there are FOUR TURNINGS (remember, we’re in the 4th one, called CRISIS, right now — and have been since 2008, per the book) happens while Uranus is in Gemini.

Some of the dates Uranus has been in Gemini:





And here we go, comin’ up: 2025-2033.

I find it fascinating that each time the CRISIS turning ends and a new era begins, Uranus in Gemini is involved. Hmm…


Interesting, huh?

columbus day means

Save the date!

I will actually be doing a free webinar (and not just ANY webinar; it’s my year-ahead Chart Harmony webinar) on Saturday November 16th at 11am PST. I will post at my EVENTS page as soon as I have a sign-up page for you. I may also do another webinar before that!

Yes, this year-end webinar is much earlier in the year than usual. It’s because there is SO MUCH big woo happening in 2025 that I want to be sure we have time to dig in on it all *and* possibly do an ABA (Ask Bon Anything) on another day before 2024 comes to a close.

Bonnie Gillespie - 1 year sober - Oct. 16, 2017

Speaking of significant dates… we’re coming up on my soberversary! And OMG, I am so touched by a song Jelly Roll debuted on SNL last month.

Winning Streak

Jelly Roll thumbnail for SNL debut of Winning Streak

I don’t know that I had ever heard a Jelly Roll song before he was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. THIS SONG — about the artist’s first AA meeting — is a blessing for folks like me who choose sobriety (or like past-me who struggled for far too long).

If you are negotiating your relationship with sobriety and need support, please reach out. It can feel incredibly lonely when we surrender and let go of what may have been our longest and loyalest friend (for SURE, vodka was the bestie I turned to first for many years). Know you’re not alone.

our santa monica bluffs after sunset

Finally, my word for 2024 is CALM. I’m really enjoying having chosen it. My nervous system is especially grateful.

Y’all, whatever lies ahead, let’s find things to love up on. Puppies, people, silly vids, new office supplies, crystals, a favorite old song, fresh fruits, bubble baths, laughter heard off in the distance, stillness… whatever you can love up on, DO. (And please include yourself on the list of what to love up on, K?)

Mala Beads Gillespie-Johnson, our amazing chihuahua, min-pin, pom mix pup

One more thing… no, REALLY! We are rounding the corner on the last lap of some seriously overdue organization over here in our email system. If you hopped on the mailing list after March of 2024, you’ve probably NOT been receiving emails as scheduled/planned (like, fun/free stuff you’ve been expecting after you signed up for one of my free mini-courses over here). 😬 Sorry ‘bout that. Our move away from the old system was a LOT. Hold tight! We’re ALMOST there. It’ll so be worth it. 💖 Promise!

So much love flowing your way,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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