Ah… another great episode of BH9

I usually don’t bother watching them unless they’re from The Brenda Years, but this one was the one where Hillary Swank says good-bye and Val is cleaning toilets at the Wyatt Clinic as a part of her probation. David just sold a song to Jasper’s Law. Oh, life is good — except for Brandon, who cheated on Kelly with Emma. No, I am not at all troubled by the fact that this has spawned an intense conversation on the difference between men and women and monogamy and genetic predisposition with my fiancé.

I’m ramping up for a big day. There’s an open house at an acting school. Keith will be attending as an actor type and I will be attending as a guest speaker slash industry professional. Dear GAWD, I’m getting nervous. I don’t know why… as I’m just going to be saying to a group the same things I say in my column each week or to actor type friends of mine about the business-end of the industry… I guess it’s just that whole “something new” thing. I know I can do it, just have to go do it.

After the open house, we’ll go feed Cleo the Wonder Cat and Woody the Cockatiel (these are Rose’s parents’ animals, and they are all up north at a wedding). After we do the feeding and litter box scooping, we’ll call D to see if she wants company. D is my friend who had the double mastectomy last week (why I haven’t been Blogging — been playing Nurse Bonnie) and she got her pathology report yesterday. More cancer. More surgery. Definite chemotherapy. If anyone has information on how we could get her hair made into a wig, please let me know. So far, I’m only finding info on how she can donate her hair to Locks of Love for kids. Also, a sad tidbit: it takes ten heads of hair to make one wig, so she can’t really get a wig made out of her own hair only. Anyway, coming on the heels of having lost Mom to cancer, this is a pretty emotional experience.

But, I am encouraged by the happy feelings I get when I read the SpyNotebook blogs. There is just something so right with the world that is inhabited by Chip and his technology.

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