Ahh… Much Better

Went for a late night walk with my lovely fiancĂ© after we’d gotten into bed for the night and started talking… we talked a bunch and then I started to cry… just release from all that I’m going through right now, I guess. And then Keith said, “C’mon. Let’s go for a walk.” So we did.
I feel better.
I still have the throb in/under/around my left eye (and it’s actually become more of a constant throb today) and am contemplating taking the last of my Vicodin, simply so I can knock out and be done with it. Still a little nervous after Monday’s experience, though.
Joni’s suggestion of Nyquil sounds good. We’ll see. No decisions yet. I’ll keep editing the archives for Dalt’s Gang which is a major OCD-loving task that also keeps me from thinking about my pain, so I may not need anything.
Realized today that, numerologically, I’m in what tends to be the worst spot of my nine-year cycles. In 1995, I was in and out of the hospital (but, man, I was smokin’ hot skinny girl… miss that action… LOL). In 1986, I was constantly ill and depressed. And in 1977… well… not sure. Joni? Any ideas? I know I used to get strep throat a lot back then. And bladder infections.
Proof of the “skinny.”
Ugh. Anyway, so if this is the “repair year,” why the eff does it always have to be my effin’ BODY? Ugh.
Happily, that energy always shifts by October, as I ease into my next cycle.
Oh, and I have a birthday soon… Keith reminded me yesterday.
Speaking of birthdays, it’s my younger (of the two of them) brother’s 50th birthday today. Ack! I’m sooo lucky to be young. Shut up, young friends! Yeah, I know you were born in the ’80s. Kiss it!
Hee hee.
I must be feeling better, if I’m fiesty-posting.
Oh, and I’ll end on a moment of silence for Wolfesden. For over five years and 100,000 posts, this actors’ resource and discussion forum has been a leader in this town and in this industry as a whole. Sterling Wolfe took a lot of heat for a long time running that board at his own cost (time, money, energy, reputation) during some really rough points in the industry (commercial strike, workshop debate, discovery of actors’ headshots for sale on eBay) and for my life personally (my mother’s death, my resignation from Back Stage West… plus publishing my first two books and moving into casting). I have built some amazing friendships through this corner of the Internet and it’s a sad day to see it go. Still, I support Sterling’s decision and absolutely wish him the best on his journey from here. He supported so many for so long! It’s his turn!

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1 Comment

  1. Mitchell May 22, 2004 at 7:33 am

    So, so loved the old photo! Hello…Joan Jett!
    Hope you are feeling better!