So, I keep thinking I’m feeling like this after I eat due to some sort of serotonin issue, but I have–today–begun feeling like this regardless of food consumption.
And I don’t like it.
I can’t write for any long period of time due to how spaced out I get.
I can only sleep for short naps, as I’m just full-on dizzy, which isn’t a fun state for horizontal beings.
Well, at least we got three new book interviews done today. Effin’ awesome. We’re almost finished! Eeeeeeeek!
Of course, this means I need to bring my brain back into focus VERY SOON so that I can write the damn thing!
Oh, and coming off the pill has triggered puberty, it seems. I am breaking out all over. Ugh.
Bodies are weird. So’s brain chemistry. I’m ready to normalize. When do I get to have that happen?
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