Cool. It’s raining.

As Keith would say: “Rain. Classic literary symbol for change.”
After a very fitful night of semi-sleep, I woke up around 4am with a searingly sore throat and the need to blow my nose… a bunch. But somehow, my head felt CLEAR.

That braincloud crap I’ve been enduring for just over a week was seemingly gone.
So, I came into the livingroom, began sorting paperwork for the new book (busywork, to sort of see whether the panic had passed or was just hiding), and within an hour… RAIN.
Felt like that moment in the movie when you realize everything’s gonna be okay, in spite of everything.
Happy Happy Tuesday!!! Yah!
(you are feeling better! yipee!! such great news!, enjoy the day!)
Just a thought on feeling all shakey/weird/panicky…do you think that maybe your body has become sensitive to weather fronts? – Because sometimes, I have problems breathing, and I feel like I’m coming out of my skin…have no reason to really be feeling that way, and then – aha! I realize that some major weather fronts are moving in and out of the area during those days…You should keep a journal of when you feel panicky, AND weather patterns…see how they connect?What the remedy would be, I don’t know…maybe as simple as extra B-vitamins during those times, some extra meditation…just an awareness that it’s weather could maybe help you keep it in perspective.
This will sound crazy, but my DOG acts panicky from weather fronts. And I started noticing lately that he and I get all “wiggy” at the same time a lot of the time…and then we both feel relieved once the front has moved through.
LONG-ass comment! Sorry. I just want to help my Bon the way she always helps me. :o) {{{HUGE HUGS}}}