
So, I run this Yahoo Group called Hollywood Happy Hour. Its population of nearly 2700 industry pros has become a huge source of inspiration, support, and resource-checking for creatives all over the world. We’ve been around for nearly a decade at this point, and the discourse is always lively!

Recently, a member of HHH asked that I help to bring together some advice that is, well, sensitive to bring together. Basically, a member of HHH who is also a member of a 12-step program was looking for some suggestions from other HHHers, who have been so helpful on so many less-sensitive issues. Since 12-step programs are, by default, anonymous, this was not something so easy to address in a simple post to the Yahoo Group.

The situation was this: An active 12-stepper had been advised by a sponsor in the 12-step environment to seek out “actor-friendly” 12-step programs, since so many of a creative’s issues are unique to the creative journey. So, I posted at HHH on behalf of this particular member, and got so many great suggestions for actor-friendly (or creative-friendly) 12-step programs that I decided this really should be a column. Because, c’mon! Having this info all in one place cannot possibly be a horrible idea. 🙂

When I first moved to Los Angeles in 1993, I was on a team of mentors for a group of kids whose self-expression through playwriting was the goal (vs. self-expression through gang activity). We — the mentors — had a weekly group meeting outside the mentorship program to work through the concepts of Julia Cameron’s amazing book The Artist’s Way. I’ll never forget the day I started talking — in our group “share” time — about an ongoing issue that probably deserved some deeper exploration (read: I could’ve used a little therapy at the ripe old age of 23, on this particular topic). One of the group leaders suggested I explore other options for support groups to get that stuff worked out properly.

So, when I got the email from the HHH member about something very similar to what I had experienced, I really wanted to help out, because we often connect with groups of people (through power groups, support networks, classes, etc.) who are not equipped to handle the full range of issues we creatives may experience.

And in the spirit of “share your toys” (which I always celebrate), when I was encouraged by the HHH member who originally asked that I assist in this issue to turn the resources into a column, I jumped at that. 🙂 And here it is.

For those of you who are looking for support groups, resource groups, gatherings of supportive creatives, or other exchanges between actor-friendly 12-steppers, here’s a wonderful starting point, brought to you by the gracious, supportive, lovely folks at HHH:

Whatever program you check out — should support groups be your speed — good for you! We all need support and encouragement, whatever our life’s journey may throw at us. That a community like HHH could pull together such great suggestions for a fellow member just reminds me how valuable our li’l family is. 🙂

Please note that all official 12-step programs are free and don’t require RSVP. They do accept donations, but when you’re Googling support groups, please note the difference between those that have you pay for mentorship and coaching vs. those that are in service of the AA model.

Let’s keep looking out for each other. We’re in this together for the long haul, as humans, not just as artists.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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