Between the New Moon and the First-Quarter Moon, we have the Crescent Moon Phase (also called the Waxing Crescent). This phase is one of growth that’s happening beneath the surface. Those seeds that were planted under a New Moon have not yet sprouted, so this is a time of faith and patience, but the work of that is ACTIVE.

How does that work? How can we be both active and patient? How is having faith an active experience? Of course, I’d love for you to share below in the comments any examples you have about this status. For some of my clients, a favorite phrase for this phase is: The work is waiting. Waiting is the work.
I regularly remind folks (myself included) during the Crescent phase of ANYthing I’m working on: Never dig up in doubt seeds planted in faith. That energy of wanting to DO things really can cause us to UNdo what’s trying to take root.
The growth is happening below the surface during this phase. So, between the New Moon and the First-Quarter Moon Phase, take action to ready the world for what WILL sprout. You’re committed to the life that’s coming. Build space for it.
Wanna join my free community for having these discussions regularly? Our Chart Harmony Discord is here. Come on by!
BONUS: Were you born under a Waxing Crescent Moon? (You can find out using Astro-Seek’s calculator.) Being born under a Waxing Crescent Moon can give your personality an active, expansive, manifestation-focused vibe. You may have been a late bloomer but when you bloomed… WHOA!
BONUS-BONUS: If you’re in a Crescent Moon phase by 2ndary progression, it’s a building stage. Time to get rooted. You’re focusing on commitment. Woo HOO!
Pop in the comments below what the Crescent Moon phase means to you. I’d love to get to know you better through la luna. 🌙
So much love flowing your way!
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!