Between the First-Quarter Moon and the Full Moon, we have the Gibbous Moon Phase (also called the Waxing Gibbous). Light is becoming brighter. Enoughness is becoming fuller. There’s an optimism to this lunar phase, but it’s one cloaked in anxiety for “getting it right.”

Chart Harmony with the Gibbous Moon

There’s effort to put in, but how much of it can really make a difference at this point, when it comes to influencing how those seeds planted under the New Moon will show up?

It’s exactly that bizarre balance between knowing there’s still work to do and sensing that very little of that work will impact the result to come that creates that anxious vibe. It’s important to remember at this point that ANXIETY IS NOT AN EMOTION. Anxiety is the physical symptoms created when we prevent ourselves from feeling the emotion we’re trying to have.

So the question under the Gibbous phase of anything happening in your life is this: What am I actively trying NOT to feel? You may find that simply allowing the feelings that are just beneath the surface give you everything this phase of the Moon is meant to provide.

Wanna join my free community for having these discussions regularly? Our Chart Harmony Discord is here. Come on by!

BONUS: Were you born under a Waxing Gibbous Moon? (You can find out using Astro-Seek’s calculator.) Being born under a Gibbous Moon can give your personality a busy-but-hesitant, eager-to-get-it-right, focused-and-analytical vibe. Your perfectionism can make you feel as though you have to hold back. (Psst! You don’t!)

BONUS-BONUS: If you’re in a Waxing Gibbous Moon phase by 2ndary progression, you’re making adjustments. You’re beginning to feel as if everything is working out (because it is). Woo HOO!

Pop in the comments below what the Gibbous Moon phase means to you. I’d love to get to know you better through la luna. 🌙

So much love flowing your way!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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