I’ve not actually GONE FISHIN’ of course. I’m actually somewhere in these parts. Click to enlarge. Color me Copperwynd. Aahhhhhhh. Spa weekend, here I come!
Posts Published by bonblogs
Pamprin: NOT Gluten Free
Dammit. As if I felt GREAT before I took the dang thing…
I Love You, Pink Dot
I love you, Pink Dot. You take care of me. You come over and bring me things like a yummy salad with fresh avocado, boiled egg whites, crispy bacon, and ripe tomatoes. Yum! I thank…
¿Cómo se dice…?
I don’t know if I’ll be able to describe this correctly, but it’s really cool and I dig it, so I’ll try. There’s this dog in our ‘hood. And when his owners walk him, he…
Updates to the Book’s Site
So many goodies added to the book’s website (especially check excerpts from the actors’ interviews). I’m seriously fried from all the work, but so incredibly proud and happy. Hey, proofer buddies, shall we plan a…
20 Hours Computer-Free
I turned off my computer 20 hours ago. I slept for six hours and here’s what I did-slash-observed during the other 14. (Note: I did not get any phone calls returned. *sigh*) 1. Dined out…
Workin’ My Arse Off
I’m here. I’m alive. I’m working my arse off on the book. Remind me, when I go, “Whee!” over checks arriving in six months (and say stupid things like, “Look! I’m getting money for just…
Icky Sicky
Ah. So *that* is what’s wrong with me. I’m sick. Ugh. And Dayquil is my friend. Keith says I did this same icky sicky thing during this stage of work on books one and two….
Belly Laughs
There is almost nothing better than spending quality time at Def Jam Becca MC’s blog. You MUST read this entry on her daughter’s Purim parade costume. And this one about girlie stuff of another sort….