For those with more energy than I seem to have… …Chip is renovating his kitchen. Go read the entry linked to the image above (and at least the two more recent entries) and weigh in….
Posts Published by bonblogs
I’m sooooooo wiped out. It’s good though. I need a nap. Click for big. Like that. Yeah. Archie’s got the right idea. What a day!
Test of Words, the Answer Key
Okay! Now we’re talkin’. Remember the Test of Words? Okay, so the answers are here and I feel vindicated. The chick with the answers. So, I missed ONE point on the Intermediate Section (I chose…
Zoned Out
Okay, I’m seriously zoned out now. I’ve just spent eight hours straight doing taxes. That’s a lot of paper. I still have much to do. But sleep… that’s the deduction I’m taking right now.
Doctor, Heal Thyself
Le sigh. So, I wrote a column on actor funk, basically telling actors that all they have to do is throw themselves into the emotional whatnot and wallow in it, learn from it, then move…
I’m in Love
I was hooked right away, but only now am I truly in love. Real Simple rocks. The greatness of Jodi got us a free gift subscription to it (and Wired, which we also love) a…
Two Things
Based on this free weekend, if I actually subscribed to Showtime, I would overdose on decent-to-so-so movies and behind-the-scenes yummies. We’ll be buying Reefer Madness on DVD just based on the BTS yummy. (Ooh, or…
Test of Words
Finally broke down and took one of the kazillion quizzes Jodes inflicted upon me. (I will always break down and take a grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation quiz.) English Genius You scored 100% Beginner, 93% Intermediate,…
Name Dropper
Next week, I’m going over to this guy‘s house. Tee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.