You’ll recall that I was raving at Hollywood Happy Hour about a wonderful group of actors, led by director Adam Marcus, that will be doing a showcase on Wednesday. Please take advantage of this wonderful…
Posts Published by bonblogs
The Year In Review
Take The First Sentence From The First Post Of Each Month Of 2004. That’s Your Year In Review. Nabbed from: Ames. January 2004: I still definitely have some things to fix in this new Blog…
Congratulations to my baby!
Congratulations, Keith! On a rockstar day (me: career consulting and a power meeting re: the new book; he: manager interview and producer session for a new sitcom), Keith started strong, signing with Abby Casey, one…
HHH Photo-a-Go-Go
First photos from Hollywood Happy Hour. (Yeah, you need to join the Yahoo Group to see them all.) Thank you, niecey Ash, for getting the photos up so fast. Woo hoo!
Didja Feel That?
Earthquake. 4.4 in Fontana just moments ago. One of the joys of staying up all night. The sofa moved… and kept moving. Kitties stirred, a little freaked. LOVES me some Earthquake Weather! I totally called…
Stealing from Brilliant People
So, I’ve been retooling the BonBlogs. I’m taking what I’ve learned from the TypePad-using-brilliance that is Colleen Wainwright and the every-entry-gets-an-image policy of the coolest-ever moderator of Monitoring the Culture (that would be ex-beau Chip…
I Knew We Were Gonna Win!
Yep, this is our year! Sure enough, we won again. $57,000,000.00? Nope. One buck. We suck! Yay!
Sweet Kitty
This was on the aftercare instruction sheet sent home with Thwok. She’s doing great! Animal Birth Control was great: $45 for the spaying AND healthy kitten shots. We looooove Santa Monica! And we love our…
Kitty Update
Thwok is home, safe and sound. She was released at 11am. She was teetering around all wobbly and such due to the drugs and the dilated eyes (Why would they do that?) but she was…