Original emailed version = here!

Check It… or Maybe Not.

Image by Chari Pere

While working on a major project (say, the new edition of Self-Management for Actors and its accompanying app), I limit myself to one check of email and social networking sites or apps per hour (longer stretches at times). What would count as an “e-diet” for you? Clock it. Set a timer and see how long you go between e-checks of any kind. Let Rescue Time help you sort it out. Then police yourself. You’ll be amazed how much more productive you can be!

Same Trailer by Chari Pere

Images © 2012, Chari Pere

Trailer Mash-Up

Don’t Blame Hollywood!

Folks love to blame Hollywood for lack of creativity. Just watch the mash-up of the trailers for No Strings Attached and Friends With Benefits (vid button, above) for proof of how idea-starved we appear to the world. But anyone with a Facebook account has now seen dozens of variations on the Shit ___ Say model, after the first few iterations went viral. Hey, it’s easy to spot brilliance (or something that’s clicking with an audience) and want to hop on that trend. The ninja move is improving upon a concept, as you make it your own.

Oh, and I’d like to use this space to shout a special thanks to Amber Plaster for contributing to The Actors Voice: POV, with a great piece on how IMDb StarMeter doesn’t matter. Check it out: HERE.

Bon and SMFA Worldwide

If you’d like to experience the Self-Management for Actors Seminar in LA or on tour, please refine your mailing list options at MailChimp. Master Class has moved online with the our Ninja Maintenance Program and it’s ridiculously awesome. Weekly mentorship phone calls and daily online support, plus a scholarship program coming soon!

Get A-Listed

Our next cycle of the online 12-Week Self-Management for Actors program will open up early bird registration later this month. Pop in your email address at Get A-Listed to be sure you hear all about it. Actors worldwide are loving this online course!

Felteeee from Tara Jayn

My friend (and webseries producing partner) Tara Jayn makes super-cute items out of felt. Bento box purse? Chocolate box of magnets? This Pop Tart iPhone case? Crazy cute! Visit her store here.

Two quickies in the bonus space, this BonBlast. One, we’re casting another round of regional auto dealership spots this week. The breakdown went up at Actors Access on the 3rd and we’re casting off footage, so include your reel or an audition for us to watch!

Second, save the date! On February 27th, Hollywood Happy Hour will present another of its very popular behind-the-scenes CastingAbout events at the Showbiz Software Store in West Los Angeles. You must RSVP for this event and all the details will go out to HHH members only through the HHH Yahoo Group, so make sure your membership is up to date. You do NOT have to be a CastingAbout customer to attend (but dude, you should totally be using CastingAbout; it’s awesome).

Bite Me in LA Times

I am proud to be a part of the Bite Me team. This indie darling has helped propel Machinima’s profile (as its first live action series) and, yes, we’ve been in the news A LOT lately. Wall Street Journal, The Hollywood Reporter, LA Times… and more. Yep, we’re headed to cable next month (and that’s not the only project I’ve cast that’s gonna be on cable in 2012; stay tuned)! Congrats, all!

The Face Is Familiar on Netflix

Guys, this is a don’t-miss documentary for actors. Starz Inside: The Face Is Familiar is a candid inside look at the life of the character actor, released in 2009. Part Hollywood history lesson, part reality check for aspiring actors, full-on love letter to actors whose work we see every day (especially exciting to see some of the recent tier jumps a few of these folks have had since shooting). Catch it on Netflix immediately. It’s that inspiring!


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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