Book It!

The book, she is here! Well, in Los Angeles, any way. Yes, Casting Qs: A Collection of Casting Director Interviews is at the warehouse and our distributor has said we are welcome to come by on Monday to pick up the comp copies we need. Wow! I am so very very very excited.
The battery in my iBook is dead. Did you know these things cost $160+ to replace? Dear me.
Currently riding the crest of a migraine. Not happy. I know it’s stress-induced, but man, is it awful! Delightful new friend and actress I manage brought over some pain meds for me, so that I could be productive and also, well, have light or sound around me. I have a wet washcloth draped around my neck, and two good puppy dogs on the sofa, snoring. Keith is upstairs in the bed, not snoring.
We like pet-sitting here. It’s very pretty and nice and comfy. Hate kicking it dial-up, but that’s just me being spoiled.
I have to call that jury service phone line Sunday night to see if I’m called for jury duty Monday morning. Ick. If I’m in, I hope I get something good. If I’m not in, I have a LOT of work to do. Even if I’m in, I have a lot of work to do, but I won’t be able to do it, obviously, as I’ll be doing my civic duty.
Sunday is the judges screening for the film festival. We have about five hours of tapes to watch, based on the top scored ones from the lovely screeners’ results.
The application is up at 15 Minutes of FEM. I strongly encourage ANY woman with ten minutes or more of stuff to say or do to get over there and fill out that application by December 13th. If being seen by industry professionals and sharing your craft with others is important to you, DO IT. Just amazing stuff, going on there!
Major controversy since the airing of the 20/20 piece last week. This town is filled with angry people, saying the investigative reporting was one-sided and unfair. I can’t imagine how a report which contacted everyone on the “other side” of the issue to speak about what was discovered in undercover investigations could be considered one-sided. Honestly, the negative lashing-out that’s going on now… I think that’s the smell of fear.
Major major major thank you to BrYan for fixing my code issue with the Roxbury Search page. THANK YOU!
Can’t believe I actually get to hold my book Monday. Wow wow wow.
That is all.

Brit is Brilliant: “That’s what parenting is sometimes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to pull out the ‘I mean business’ attitude, then stomp off to my room to hide a giggle fit.” – Nov. 2002, Somesuch-Whatnot

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  1. Def Jam Becca MC April 24, 2004 at 2:02 pm

    I’m sorry to hear about the migraine monster. Got your Casting Qs postcard yesterday – yay you!
    [originally posted from IP: on 11.17.02 – 9:43 pm]

  2. Bonnie April 24, 2004 at 2:03 pm

    Def Jam Becca MC!! Yayayayay!! I miss you!
    Nope, still in migraine hell, but better medicated. Ugh. Hate that.
    Shoot me an email (and more baby pix) when you can. LOVE you! XXOO
    [originally posted on 11.18.02 – 11:24 am]