Oh, the things I find amusing.
I just spent the better part of 13 hours compiling statistics on the most prolific posters at Wolfesden in honor of the forthcoming 100,000th saved post. My OCD loves that shit. I even forgot to eat. Typical. I think I’m trying to keep myself preoccupied while Keith’s out of town. He’s going to be gone so long that I’ll get used to it, but the first night or two is always a challenge. I miss my baby.
Speaking of babies…
The TicTac is BACK! Yay! Looks like new, except for where they pressure washed some paint off and tried to cover it up with touch-up paint (c’mon… shouldn’t you TELL a person that happened, when they pick the car up? Of course, Keith picked the car up and he doesn’t look for such things as that, the license plate frame on upside down on the front end, or the smear of white paint in the shape of a thumbprint on the soft top. That’s stuff only a mother notices, I guess). I’m just glad to have it back. No more shop-time for the TicTac in 2003. That’s the goal!
I don’t quite understand how it is that I stay awake so so so so so many hours. I do a lot of work, but then my brain sort of turns off and I can’t really get anything accomplished, but I also can’t sleep. So… I play BINGO (God, am I my grandmother’s kid or what?), watch TiVo’d shows and catch Kris on ShopNBC for a few hours, let the cats sleep on me and shuffle around paperwork for a little while. Tomorrow, I’ll spend the day focused on casting tasks: sending SAG paperwork in, shopping for actors on LACasting.com, looking at demo reels I’ve been sent, making lists; and then visit with precious cousin Faith for the first time since the second Gimlet Night back in… what? September? August? Ugh. It’s been too long.
Saturday, I will speak at the Women In Theatre luncheon in North Hollywood. I’m excited about that. It’s a good group and the talk went really well on Wednesday night at Take One, so I’m feeling good about gearing up for the class I’m developing. More on that later. The curriculum development and such is a project for while Keith’s out of town.
No Thanksgiving plans yet, which is weird. Usually by now, we’re booked to pet-sit and/or have a local gathering scheduled. We are booked for a week or so in December, which will be fun (one cat, one dog). Not over Christmas though, so no idea what’s ahead. Matters not. I’ve got more than enough to keep me busy and I keep acting like I don’t. Eesh!
Oh! I forgot to post the link to photos from recent events. Enjoy! We sure did! Also enjoyed a recent visit from an old friend who moved away from LA three years ago. Don’t stay away so long next time, Miss Suze!
Guess that’s it for now. Not that I’ve got anything else to do, but I’m out of things to type about that may be of any interest to anyone… so, that’s usually when it’s best to, well, stop typing. 😉 *sigh*
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