Bustin’ Out

CoCo showed up bearing gifts last night. Not only did she bring my favorite vodka to the party, she also brought amazing news.


Yup. Conventioneers won at the Independent Spirit Awards last night. Read an interview with director Mora Stephens and then read a review of the film.

Why is this a big deal? Well, when Julia Stiles and Tom Welling have been pitched for the lead roles in a film that’s fully funded at the $200K level (because the script is so rockstar brilliant), it’s already a good day in the life of a casting director. When the writer/director of that film (How I Lost My Mind and Killed Someone) wins an Independent Spirit Award for writing/producing another film (Conventioneers), suddenly funding at a much higher level becomes guaranteed. And my phone calls to managers and agents tomorrow morning become filled with energy and excitement. We’re at a whole new level of awesomeness now. It. Is. On.

And after what will certainly be a rockstar casting day tomorrow (interrupted only for a three-hour series of talks at the drama department at St. Monica’s Catholic school across the street), we have a delightful dinner meeting with producer/director/writer/actor friends, followed by a big casting meeting on Tuesday for Wanderers of the Wasteland. Also speaking at Strasberg and teaching in San Diego this week. Busy. Awesome.

PS — Go read My Cousin Joni’s Oscar Picks post. She’s really smart.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. chip March 5, 2006 at 5:36 pm

    Weird blog synchronicity. I am watching that part of my recorded Independent Spirit Awards right now and had just added Conventioneers to my Netflix queue about 5 minutes ago.

  2. courtney March 6, 2006 at 7:34 am

    Congratulations on all the work success! It always baffles me utterly how you accomplish so much with one life and the same number of hours in the day the rest of us have! Yay for good news!