So, you do this job you love and you have a lot of fun with it.
You blog about the awesome moments that come when you get to “see the title of a film you helped create ‘up in lights.'”
You share your excitement over a particular film’s trailer being available on YouTube, for sharing and such.
You pinch yourself as you do things like book travel arrangements for a film festival at which the film you cast will premiere, and at which its star will be honored for a lifetime of awesomeosity.

And then you hold in your hands Daily Variety and Weekly Variety, each with a full-page ad for a film you cast, and you think, “Oh, man. I need to stop and feel this. Really, really feel this.”
So, this is me feeling it.
It’s possible my life will flow a little differently after Friday night, when Another Harvest Moon premieres. Or not! But that’s the beauty of this business. That’s what’s so badass about what we do in this industry. Everything is always just one matching lottery number away from being “it.”
And it’s all so much fun, regardless of the outcome.
When I decided to start living a process-focused life, rather than an outcome-focused life, suddenly my “outcomes” got a whole lot better.
Hmm. Who knew?
So, I’m feeling it.
I’m going to “live tweet” from the RIIFF premiere and after-party on Friday. I’m trying not to freak out. But I’m enjoying that I’m riding the edge of some really amazing feelings, while teetering between panic attack and state of bliss.
May we all be so lucky not only to live our dreams, but to really feel it as it all happens!
Posted by bonnie at August 4, 2009 5:11 PM
Love this! Thank you for the reminder that the journey is to be treasured as well.
Congratulations on casting such a beautiful film, this outcome is totally well-deserved. Thank you so much for all the insight and knowledge and showing that the process, (the new one for me) is always better, not just different!
Posted by: Regina at August 6, 2009 2:56 AM
Can’t wait for the tweets on Friday! I’m just so happy to get to see all the great things that are happening on your journey. Yay!
Posted by: Hannah at August 6, 2009 9:54 AM
My pleasure, Regina. 🙂 I need the reminder that it’s good to enjoy the road, so I figure sharing them helps others who might need those same reminders. 🙂 I’m excited to see how the film turned out, and of course to celebrate with everyone! Yippee!
Thanks, Hannah. I’m excited to tweet all day long. LOL Thank you for the constant encouragement and support. You rule!! 🙂
Posted by: Bon at August 6, 2009 1:10 PM