Wonderful meeting today for my next casting project. I’m very eager to get started on it, but there is another round of production meetings before we’ll get into casting (those meetings will determine my budget for casting, our timeline, and my rate, so I just have to wait). Will disclose what that film is once we have the official go-ahead and are moving forward in public.
We completed casting on The Moor except for one role, which we’ll have decided and announced by Monday. Great film. Wonderful group of people. I am absolutely thrilled with how all of this came together and that I was able to be a part of it. Awesome.
We lost a cast member on Perfect, which really pisses me off; mainly because I went to bat for the actor we cast in that role and pretty much got dicked over and without apology. Luckily, I have faith that we’ll end up with a better actor for the role and have an even better project because of this. Everything happens for a reason.
And, the big news… yesterday I was hired by Breakdown Services to write a weekly column about casting for actors for Actors Access. Woo hoo! I’m so frickin’ excited. This is going to be a very “reader-driven” service, so get your questions in via email now! Yay! 😉
Good week. Really really really good week.
Tomorrow, another casting meeting. This film, a $1M project with names attached already. Tonight… celebration with the Ladies of the Gimlet. Life is good.
Casting Casting Casting
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Ick Ick – cast member of Perfect. You know who would love to work with you & your team Bon!