Well, lookee here! They’ve added my name to the poster for Salvation, Texas. *giggle* So cool!

Salvation, Texas -- casting by Bonnie Gillespie

Click to enlarge.

We’re in prereads all day tomorrow, which should be loads of fun. I can tell the director is a wee bit nervous, having never worked with a casting director before. He’s used to putting out a breakdown in Back Stage West and having loads of no-shows. I assured him that actors don’t no-show on me (believe me, if they want to get in on the bigger-budget stuff, they kind of just CAN’T stiff me on the little things) and, from the looks of the day’s schedule, he’s going to be WAY impressed with these amazing, professional, performance-ready actors I’m bringing to him. Oh, I love sessions! It’s when the possibilities are endless. These rich characters will only begin to take shape tomorrow, in the 3-D. I love it!

masquerade mask

On Friday, the director of The Masquerade and I have a coffee date with the “name actor” we hope will be the star of her film. She is so so so nervous (she’s never done a name actor meeting before), so I sent her to read “Taking the Meeting” and told her to relax, she’d be fine, charming, and wonderful. And he’ll accept the offer and so will the other “name actor” we went out to today. And life on the festival circuit will be grand.

old reel-to-reel player

The meeting for How I Lost My Mind and Killed Someone yesterday was beyond rockstar. Looks like the guy I scouted last month for the lead role may be the actor we go after, now. He’s not a name (yet), but he’s perfect for this and I know he would rock it beyond our wildest dreams. Of course, I cracked myself up realizing that I didn’t think of one of my actor-friends (who is a “name”) for one of the roles, because, y’know, she’s my friend. So, when her manager sent over her tape, I came off as brilliant and now we’re going to set up a coffee with her and the director. AND, I got to make an offer to one of my favorite big time character actors today for a minor role. He and Keith and I are going out for pie next week. Yippee!

I’m just so glad we’re moving forward on HILMMAKS. Breakdown will be released July 10th and cast will be locked by Labor Day. I love that. A timeline! And I adore Joel and Trevor. They’re such fucking rockstars. It’s awesome to spend time with them. Loads of energy, creative passion, and vision. Man, people like that are a blast to share the planet with.

In other casting news, I now have FOUR offers pending for new gigs. It is time to start saying my least favorite word: “NO.” When projects are amazing and people are wonderful and you LOVE a challenge… how do you say no? I know… you just do. I will. I must.

But first, I must visit Moshi’s world, move that progress bar up a bit, take a nap, and preread actors for an amazing little film. Woo!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Bon June 8, 2006 at 1:30 am

    Hee! I’m re-reading this post and laughing at the fact that I did almost NO actual “name dropping,” which is funny considering I’m pretty much “famous” for name-dropping. *snicker*
    I must be getting “serious” about this showbiz thing, eh? *giggle*

  2. Bon June 8, 2006 at 2:52 am

    Okay, 90 minutes later and I’ve doubled my page count and Moshi has made her first time-travel leap! Woo! I’m feelin’ GOOD now!
    Time for a nap. We leave here in like four hours for the casting call. *yawn*

  3. Hannah June 8, 2006 at 5:34 am

    You are such a ROCK STAR. I absolutely love reading about all the amazing stuff that is coming your way.
    And I absolutely love the graphic for Salvation, Texas. It is sooooooo beautiful.

  4. drc June 8, 2006 at 6:43 am

    And I am soooooo jealous because you have such a cool life and I am stuck here in backwater Wisconsin!
    Glad things are going so well for you!!

  5. PameLa June 8, 2006 at 7:30 am

    Recognition for jobs WELL done sweetie. Your name is out there. Whoo Hoo! Well deserved.
    Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly
    recognizes genius. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  6. babes June 8, 2006 at 11:42 am

    Hellooo superstar!! You rock harder than time travel!!
    Oooohhh and guess what I got first thing this morning that is making my day already…!
    Love you!!!!
    (mean it)

  7. Debra June 8, 2006 at 1:01 pm

    Don’t you just love our life? I’m having a blast too! I’m so happy things are going so well for you, sis! I LOVE YOU! Have fun and ROCK those sessions today!!!

  8. Hal June 8, 2006 at 11:46 pm

    You rock, Bonnage!

  9. DebC June 9, 2006 at 1:47 pm

    AWESOME!! I already loved the poster when I saw it on the web site — now with your name on it — it’s perfect.
    Well deserved m’dear.

  10. Anna June 9, 2006 at 1:54 pm

    You better cast, woman!!!!!!

  11. JeanNiNi June 9, 2006 at 5:56 pm

    That poster looks HOT with your name on it! 😀

  12. Ali June 10, 2006 at 2:15 am

    I LOVE seeing this confidence just streaming off you. You so deserve the success you’re reaping. I’m incredibly proud of you and love you tons


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