I checked my TiVo this weekend and, sure enough, it was all set to record the “reunion” episode of America’s Next Top Model tonight. Tonight comes… it’s like 8pm and I see the red light…
Browsing Category Geeky Stuff
Stolen from Chip
Books I Plan To Read By The End of 2006 Which incidently is also the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000. Okay, so this is where I realize I’m not nearly well-read enough. Oh,…
Definition of Wrong
*shudder* When did Carrot Top become… this? Ew. Just ew.
My First PPV Experience
Okay, so I bought my first ever Pay Per View program: Ga. vs. Ga. Tech, which we can’t watch on our ABC station due to dumb ol’ Stanford. Okay, fine, so I pony up the…
So Proud of Myself
I’m seriously proud of myself. Starting at 6:30pm PST yesterday, I began my 24 hours of documentation of “A Day in the Life of Bon” per instructions at Chip’s blog. I remember the results of…
Two Spynotebookers Rock My World
Well, more than that many, really, but I must specifically say THANK YOU to SpyNotebook‘s own Hamil and BrYan, for kicking oh-so-much ass. Truly. Worshipful am I! Oh, and I think I will rise to…
Losing My Touch
This is what happens when an HTML junkie begins to age… She can’t fix code on a page she’s been maintaining for over six years. Yup. Something went wonky and I can’t fix it. Can’t….