Why haven’t I blogged (much) about Katrina? Well, I tend not to get political in my blog entries (anyone who knows me knows where I stand on most issues–and those who don’t know me can…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Sunday Morning Search Party
Haven’t done a search party in awhile, and I’m already ahead of myself in my To Do List this weekend (amazing), so let’s have some fun and analyze the words and phrases that brought people…
Others Say It Better
There is little to say about the state of natural disaster and speed of government response (vs. fictional WMDs and speed of government knee-jerk) that hasn’t been said better* elsewhere. So, I’ll just share some…
Scout Taylor-Compton: Still Missing
“Other stuff” below. But first, this update on Scout Taylor-Compton. In my email exchanges with Scout’s mom in the wee hours of Monday morning, I have been reminded what strength and grace exists. Everyone, please…
Oh, and…
…I can’t find the “card” for the Spork Crab (which is brilliantly displayed in this month’s Sea Scape), but just the same… …I am inspired to heal the bay. Rock it!
Well, finally!
Remember that wine from Sissa’s wedding? I finally opened it tonight! It’s one of those things where she told me to have it right away (like at the reception–where I had a migraine) but I…
Weddings Are Fun
Today, Keith and I spent some wonderful time with old friends at the celebration of marriage between Tracy Eliott (AKA Tracy Hernandez) and Dick Tatum (AKA Richard Rosenblatt). We got lots of laughs out of…
Friday Night Search Party
So, I went out. Everyone there was 20. It was loud and crowded. I’m home now. Time for scheduling auditions for Teenage Dirtbag and a report of searches, inspired by the great commnicatrix. While I’ve…
Longest Blog Entry EVER
Or, well, it *will* be, when I finish it. Right now, it’s just a list of stuff I’m going to say, when I come back around to this. Right now, I still have way way…
Definition of Friendship
What’s a friend? I mean a true-blue, love-ya-forever, amazingly-good-people level friend. That’d be friends like Shon and Jodi. Why? Well, here they are, guest-starring on That’s So Raven, having graciously invited us to see them…