I miss you. Charlsie Simonds, Maxine Simonds, 1935 THEN Charlsie Gillespie, Maxine Simonds, 1951 (assuming the photo was taken *after* Mom’s wedding ceremony) When we last held each other and spoke, I was an actress…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Message Board Culture and Etiquette
(Showfax Bob, please feel free to move this is if you deem it appropriate. I just felt compelled to post this and figured the “Whatever” section might be the least controversial place. If you like…
Y’know what?
I love my life. Yeah, I’m in hour six of this “organizing receipts” thing and maybe I’m slap-happy, but I’m just astonished by all of the beautiful, wonderful things in my life. As I see…
Happy birthday to my favorite ex-boyfriend!
Hope you have a delicious birthday celebration, rockstar weekend, and the best new year of Chip EVER! Much love to ya, Chipper! XXOO PS–New breakdown going out this morning for a feature film with 50…
Friday Morning Search Party
Oh joy! Oh rapture! It’s time for a Friday Morning Search Party. Woo! Here’s some stuff that led folks to the BonBlogs in the past month or so, and where I think they should’ve gone…
Things to STOP Saying
Okay, so I catch myself saying “DUDE” a lot. Not out loud as much as in my head. I know that’s weird, but it’s like I use the word “DUDE” as a substitute for “dang”…
Do you like the funny?
If so, then you should go buy shirts, mugs, and hats from one of my oldest-ago friends on the planet (er… we met in Quo Vadis Dixon’s English class at North Springs High School in…
MCJ at Dan Tana’s
MCJ (my cousin Joni) is in town for a day. On Thursday, we’re taking her to Dan Tana’s for the first time. No, she’s not Paris. No, we’re not Nicole. She’s not coming to LA…