Too busy to actually post (speaking to like 175 actors at SAG in a couple of hours, dealing with drama–real and imagined–from others, all while doing the actual job I have to do… y’know… casting…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Deep Thoughts
Why is “Jack” short for “John”? Why is “Hank” short for “Henry”? I mean, I get “Dick” for “Richard” (even though “Rich” makes more sense) and “Liz” for “Elizabeth”. But “Bitsy” from “Elizabeth”? And “Peggy”…
Monday Morning Search Party
Realizing we haven’t had a Search Party in awhile… (and in honor of “erik patterson is a gay google” showing up in the searches that lead folks to KiK*’s site, it must be time)! *Didja…
“It’s White Smoke. It’s healthy!”
That’s what our waiter and restaurant owner/master chef Juliano told us just before we took our first bites of the desserts we’d happily ordered, after having feasted on a delicious appetizer and three very differently…
Dates With Men Who Aren’t My Husband
Okay, so I have a goodly number of dates coming up with boys/men who aren’t the boy/man I’m married to. And suddenly the former Marine is bristling and marking his territory. Now, I love the…
T-Minus 10 Hours
’til our appointment with the CPA. I do not think I will have our corporate taxes finished in time. What a craptastic day! Seriously, doing nothing but prepping financial statements for 15 hours after having…
Why is it, that when I have a desire to sleep I stay up all night, and when I need to stay awake (just for another 90 minutes, even), I am suddenly exhausted? Weird. Oh,…