About a month ago, some keywords in one of my standing Google Alerts sent me to the production blog for the book-to-film I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. I have not read the book,…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Quick-Answer Actor Questions
So, it’s time once again for a bunch of quick-answer questions. Woo hoo! Hi Bonnie, Thanks for all you great columns; I’ve taken quite a bit of advice from them. My question is about website…
The Stench of Desperation
Ah, actors. You sweet, crazy lot! Every new breakdown I put out, I’m reminded that — in addition to the thousands upon thousands of wonderful, professional actors that fill my days — there are a…
Feedback on The New Business Model
This week’s Your Turn is just a quick, “Yes, and,” regarding last week’s The New Business Model (and a reminder that I’m still looking for help in compiling information from Canadian actors working in the…
I Think I Want to Be an Actor
Every now and then, I get an email like this one: Dear Bonnie, I hope I am not wasting your time by sending you this email. If I do then I am terribly sorry. I…
Work Visa and the Canadian Actor
Hi, Bonnie, Thank you so much for all your articles on Actors Access and for your input on the Reel Deel on the Virtual Channel Network. I can’t tell you how much I not only…
The New Business Model
I was running late to a meeting on Monday and that turned out to be a great thing. Now, don’t get me wrong. I think being late is about one of the most disrespectful (and…
Feedback on Anticipation
Got lots of feedback on last week’s column on Anticipation. So, here’s a good bit of it! 🙂 Enjoy! Dear Bonnie, So, I get your updates and I still love that you put so much…
Take a Big Risk
Some of the greatest performances I’ve seen recently have involved an actor taking a big risk. Putting aside all of the prep work that centered around plans and strategic choices, pushing down all of the…
Quit Changing Things Up. Be Patient.
Hi Bonnie, I’m a graduate of UC Irvine (MFA ’06) and I have had the pleasure of meeting you and hearing you speak several times at the UCI Showcases (’05-’07). I love your articles and…