March 2025 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:
Pisces season marks the end of the zodiacal year. The majority of March will have us floating in this wise, wild, weird space that has us wondering if we’re dreaming while awake. (Yes, we are.)
The leap from Pisces season to Aries season is always the joltiest of the year, because it’s how we shift from the oldest, wisest, most already-in-another-timeline sign (Pisces) to the youngest, newest, most eager to go-go-go sign (Aries).
This year’s transition happens under Sagittarius Moon, adding more FIRE to the burst! Enjoy the very end of Pisces Sun with Sagittarius Moon on March 19th by leaning into the shared Jupiter ruler of those two signs. Expect magic! Allow all the sparkle!
As if all that fire weren’t enough, we also get eclipses across not 2 but 3 signs this month! If you’ve got any members of your Life-Car (or your Chart Ruler) in Pisces, Virgo, or Aries, you can expect EXTRA electricity from the unpredictable, intense eclipse energy.
In general, the vibe *between* the eclipses is the most agitatey. Personally, I’ve put a good amount of bubblewrap ’round my schedule March 13th to 30th.
That doesn’t mean I stay out of the public eye or anything; it just means I know to expect intense jolts (especially in the areas of my chart lit up by the eclipses; pun intended).
Take the BLUE and BLACK days seriously this month!
My Use Your Moons
commitment is going strong! Keep an eye on to join me at YouTube for these live, monthly color-codings using my Chart Harmony method. We have fun!
(The REPLAY of my most recent LIVE DEMO is below. And, I’ve got a whole playlist of these monthly work-alongs here. You’re welcome!)
I also send free NEW MOON WORKBOOKS to folks on my mailing list, so be sure to check your inbox for those with each New Moon (and yes, I’ll guide you through the Aries Solar Eclipse too). Not on my mailing list? Let’s remedy that right here!
Got a topic request for one of my Chart Harmony livestreams? Lemmeknow in the comments below or over at our Chart Harmony Discord server.
So much love flowing your way,
You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.
[LIVE DEMO for smoothing out your calendar: Use Your Moons