November 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:

Y’know what I’m loving about November 2023? It’s QUIET, astrologically speaking. Now, there’s always woo weather happening of course, but as I write this up during Libra season, we’re experiencing some bumpy astro. I hope you’ve had your self-care prioritized, your eclipse season protocol in place, and your bubblewrap handy.

As we enter November, eclipse season is over, retrograde season is winding down, and Pluto is slowly finishing up his time transforming everything Capricorn (stuff like governments, financial systems, political bodies, and so on). The abundance of BLACK energy this month is perfect for pruning what no longer serves us so we can fully grow into the strong and shining entities we know we’ve come here to be.

Take a moment as November begins to *schedule* some treats that are relaxing and nourishing on your BLUE days. Plan to show up in brave ways on your ORANGE days. Do your social media updates, blogging, and emailing on PINK days.

I hope you’ll be joining me for my Astrology Vision Board Party! on November 18th. It’s a live work-along using the Chart Harmony method for mapping out your custom map for manifestation. Enroll with code ECLIPSE before the end of October to save $11! [Available on-demand NOW!] If that’s not your speed, maybe join me for the next Chart Harmony livestream at my YouTube channel on November 24th. I love sharing this work with you! Here’s hoping your November is truly magical. *smooch*

Want your own color-coded look at the month ahead? Subscribe to my Chart Harmony Calendar here! Grab it then come on over to our Chart Harmony Discord server to chat about the woo weather and how it’s gonna feel for you.

See you on the inside,

You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.

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