I miss you. I know you know that, but I have to say it. I miss you every moment of every day and, while there’s this part of me that knows you are totally in on all the jokes now and you see everything that I’m doing in life and you support and encourage me now as ever, there’s this other part of me that’s totally selfish.

Charlsie Gillespie, astrologer, 1986

Yes. Missing you like this is selfish.

Charlsie Gillespie, Cleo Simonds, Bonnie Gillespie 1970

Because it’s not that I need to know you love me and are with me (because I do know that. I know it at my very core), it’s that I need to ask you questions. I want your advice. I want to hear your voice, feel comforted, and sometimes roll my eyes when you advise me in ways I’m SURE I know better (and all those other things that defiant daughters do).

Charlsie Gillespie and Bonnie Gillespie 1984 Atlanta Georgia


I’ll be fine. I’m just feeling this more than I seem to have felt it before. And you’d think it’d get easier each year, right? Ugh. Guess not.

Bonnie and Charlsie Gillespie astrologer and daughter 1988 Atlanta GA

I just miss you, Momma. Just a bunch.

Glad I don’t mind crying. I’m doing that a lot.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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1 Comment

  1. Bonnie Gillespie December 19, 2015 at 12:34 am


    awww Bon, your mama looks as sweet as you, a real southern sweet little peach! I miss my mama aswell back in Minnesots. Go check out my crazy little Mohters day inteview on my blog.
    Thanks for sharing your life and pics of you and your lovely mother.

    Posted by: Mary Carlisle at May 13, 2007 7:32 PM


    Is that little baby you? “sigh” a little casting agent,journalist,writer is born!!

    Posted by: Mary Carlisle at May 13, 2007 7:34 PM


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