Feedback on Gear Changes

Hi Bonnie,

Great column; really enjoyed this week’s offering. I feel like it’s something I’m experiencing in a way myself, though at an earlier tier than the one described. I like the analogy of changing gears; really makes the point clearly.

My minor bookings and auditions for things like unpaid student films are slowing down and being replaced by less frequent but more interesting indie feature film auditions and bookings, and I recently had my second commercial audition ever as well. Ha! (They wanted someone good with their hands, and I do hand percussion.)

I’m getting more positive feedback these days too, as my constant training over the past several years is making its effect known the more I am seen in the community. At the last rehearsal day for an upcoming indie feature I’m in, one of the first-time actors in the cast came up to me and told me that watching me was inspiring. I thought that was pretty cool.

The writer/director in charge of the project has also been very pleased with me, and said he felt like I knew exactly what was needed for the role without having to be told or corrected. Feels good to be recognized, though I know not to let it go to my head. I’m just doing my job and being a professional, and it stands out because not as many people at this tier fully understand what that entails.

Thanks for helping to teach that to people; your resources are very valuable.

I also have an upcoming agency meeting that I got in a ninja way:

I was fortunate to have been somewhat prominently featured in the background cast of the recently released Sin City 2 (I realize in LA, background work is seen differently, but here it matters), and I made a point of buying a VIP ticket to the Austin premiere. I was very easy to spot in some of the scenes I was involved in as a “Kadie’s Club Pecos regular,” and a lead agent for one of the local agencies was at the premiere, recognized me, and told me he thought I did a great job. He was someone who was already familiar with me from bumping into me at a lot of the local industry mixers, etc., and he knew I’d been making the rounds and being part of the community in an active way. The director of his agency had also once said in public at one of the mixers, “This is the most bookable guy in the room!” when first meeting me and commenting on my look.

After the premiere, I shot them a submission with my latest materials, including a glowing letter of recommendation from the acting coach I was studying with, and I got a response within 24 hours — very unusual for me — telling me they would schedule with me in mid-September and enjoyed bumping into me at the premiere. I felt pretty ninja. Looking forward to it.

Thanks for all of your help, advice, and positive energy; it has been a source of inspiration for me. I know I don’t always communicate as much as some, but I am always out there listening, and always appreciate your efforts on our behalf. I just wanted you to know that.

-Benjamin Alany

I love everything about this email, Benjamin. Of course, I am grateful that my work speaks to you and that you benefit from it, find ways to make ninja moves in your market, and share with others what’s working and what’s not. That’s phenomenal and it’s how we’re making this a better industry with our every move.

That you are out there, hustling, connecting with others, building your relationships without getting hung up on every little role — this is all outstanding work that will pay off for decades to come.

Thank you for sharing your work with the world and for letting me know that you’re rockin’ it out to the next tier, every day. Appreciate every little gear change and definitely keep me posted on how it’s all going for you. I can’t wait to hear how this month’s agent meeting goes! 🙂 As always, book the room!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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