Film News

Great news about a few films I’ve cast.
Trees Grow Tall and Then They Fall will have its first public screening on Friday, 13 January 2006 at Raleigh Studios, Hollywood. I can get a limited number of guest passes. Lemmeknow if you want to join us for the screening of this awesome dogma film.
Hombre Kabuki (AKA Each To Each) has been named an official selection of the San Francisco Independent Film Festival and will screen between February 2nd and 14th. More details when available.
Queen of Cactus Cove, after being named Best Live-Action Short at the LA International Children’s Film Festival, has been invited to screen at the San Diego International Children’s Film Festival between April 7th and 9th. Before then, however, we have a campaign for which YOU can help! While we didn’t get into the Cinequest Festival, we have been invited (as a “high scorer among programmers”) to screen at Cinequest Online. They have a Viewers’ Voice Competition in which visitors to the website can register, screen films, and VOTE in February 2006 to determine which films will then screen between March 7th and 12th in San José. Check back for a direct link. Our film’s not up there yet.
More cool stuff going on with projects for 2006, details of which will be shared when appropriate. 😉 Hee hee. Life, she is good.

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1 Comment

  1. Joni January 3, 2006 at 2:03 pm

    Oh – I so want to come see Trees Fall and see David in it, but the flights on that day all look like crap, and I can’t afford to spend the vacation day to come earlier in case I need the day for closing on the house and the move.
    From now on I request that all premieres be on Saturdays. 😉