Fun With I-Rons

I was just about to change the “headline” on my MySpace profile to say: Potato-free since June 26th when I realized that’s not entirely true.
Yes, I decided to go off potatoes while we were at our spa vacation, and I’ve been very very good. But the combination of the facts that I cannot have alcohol made from grain, my favorite cocktail is the vodka gimlet, and Tana’s Michael loves me led to delicious potato vodka beverages for my birthday.
But I’m still officially off potatoes. I’m calling that “good,” dammit. Irony is fun like that.
PS–New favorite summer show: World Series of Pop Culture. Good stuff!

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  1. babes July 16, 2006 at 12:59 am

    Yay!!! Potato-free since July 12! (that will sound more impressive in a few weeks.)

  2. chip July 16, 2006 at 2:25 am

    When do they show new episodes of of the WSoPC? I have caught two episodes so far and really enjoyed it. I think I am have known 80-90% of the answers but it only takes one wrong answer to knock you out.
    My friend Annie told me when the tryouts were but I never made it to Atlanta that day.

  3. Bon July 16, 2006 at 2:36 am

    From what I can tell, it’s Thursdays at 8am, 7pm, and 9pm (all three are the same “first run” episodes, per my TiVo).
    You should so totally be on that show.
    Keith and I were watching and he was getting 90% to 100%. I was barely batting .300 since there are whole areas of pop culture about which I choose to remain clueless.
    I think you’d ROCK at that show. But you need a team. Do you have a TEAM?
    I really enjoyed watching the group of people who won the wildcard spots by playing online… they met for the first time at the show taping. That’s pretty cool, actually, and they’re kicking butt.
    Friends of mine auditioned in TX and didn’t even make it past prelims. I guess it’s pretty tough… like Beat the Geeks or somesuch. Still, I’d so so so love the challenge!
    Anyway, yes… go do it! It looks like so much fun.

  4. Erik July 16, 2006 at 9:19 am

    I’ve gotten hooked on this show too!
    And my favorite team are the Almost Perfect Strangers too!
    And I totally get about 80 percent of the questions right. It’s the categories about rappers and song quotes that stump me. (I have some sort of disorder where I’m completely incapable of remember song lyrics.)