NOTE: The below is an archive of an email sent out before our free year-end training series called “Get in Gear for the New Year.”

We are gonna have SUCH a blast and I remain so *freakin'* excited to start jamming with y'all on December 21st as we blast through this exciting FREE year-end training series in which the Self-Management for Actors principles will be rocked out daily for the last 11 days of 2018!

Here's a warning. Wait. First a photo, then a warning. Woo hoo!

Grow, Baby, Grow!

See that little shoot? See that baby thing trying to grow amongst the rocks and mushrooms? (Thank you, Los Angeles, for sometimes actually giving us a little rain.) Here's what you may feel tempted to do that I do NOT want you to do: PULL ON THAT SHOOT.

Don't do it. You're planting seeds right now and if you get impatient, if you get results-oriented, if you want it all NOW NOW NOW, you can kill that little baby sprout that's trying so desperately to grow and to grow strong.

You're about to experience 11 days of badassery and if you're too eager to SEE THE TREE, you'll miss the joy of letting every leaf and branch grow up, as the roots get established for a lifetime of strength. So, promise me you'll just BE, with this right now. There's gonna be a lot to it. I want you to really enjoy the *growing* of it all and let it take the time it's gonna take.

Folks who've been the most successful with this revolutionary program over the FIVE YEARS we’ve been offering it have done so by — yes, doing the work, but also — giving every element the time it takes to take root, fully. Don't *measure* success or failure while you're still in the planting stages!

Now, if you've missed any goodies that'll help get you started strong with this course, head over here for the rundown. Again, I'm super excited to share this time with you, as we rock it out together to the next tier! Not yet signed up? FIX THAT right here!

Cannot WAIT to see where this goes as we head into 2019 aligned for leaps!

All right, hotstuff, 'til the next BonBlast, hold tight. Get ready for a great start to 2019 with your tools and mindset in ninja shape, starting with your first free training coming up on December 21st! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Bonnie Brewster December 16, 2015 at 7:15 pm

    Would like to join the end of year fun!!!! Ready to replant my creative garden…with your help.


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